First 3 winners announced in the OpenCaching NA Diversified Cacher Contest!

As threatened, we held the preliminary drawing for the first three prizes in our Diversified Cacher Contest on Sunday, September 14th, at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard time. The players assigned the first three numbers drawn were contacted via email, and given 72 hours to select a prize. It took less than 16 hours for all three to respond, and for the three prizes to be selected! The first number selected, 65, was assigned to Mrs.HB31, and she selected one of the Munzee Virtual packages. The 2nd number drawn, 29, belonged to Disney Scout, and she selected our prize with the highest monetary value, a Magellan Explorist GC unit donated by our featured sponsor, The third number drawn was 37, assigned to ShortyKnits, and she selected the $15 gift certificate from the Ontario, Canada based Geocaching vendor Cache at Night. Hey, it just occurred to the blogger as he’s writing this post that we had 3 female winners! Congratulations to the three winners, and thanks so much for responding so quickly.

This means the drawing for the remaining 29 prizes can occur on schedule on Wednesday, September 17th at 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. We will give further details on that drawing in a blog post tomorrow, and we’ll try to get that up in the afternoon, rather than the evening. We can tell you (and we have in the past), that the remaining prizes will be awarded on a “you get what you get” basis.

A clandestine guerrilla video of the actual drawing has appeared on YouTube. It’s only 17 seconds long, and contains no sound, other than a few mouse clicks. This is because a) Mr.Yuck hates the sound of his own voice, especially on video, and b) no one wants to hear him say “uh” or “um” after every other word. This clandestine video is posted below.

Diversifed Cacher Contest entry numbers released and prize drawing info


We have assigned the 92 entries (earned by 22 qualifying players) for the August 2014 Diversified Cacher Contest, and are officially announcing the date of the drawings. Yes, that’s plural, read on! As we had mentioned on numerous occasions, assignment of the entries was done using the Random Integer Set Generator from We requested 1 set of 92 unique integers whose value was 1-92. We have a screen shot of our actual number set at the bottom of this blog post, should you like to see it. The first 17 random numbers were assigned to our entrant with the most points, the second 10 random numbers to the entrant with the second most points, and so on. Below are all the entrants, their number of entries, and the random number(s) assigned to their X number of entries, in table form:

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Diversified Cacher Contest scores released

letteredocnalogoWe have finished compiling the scores for the August 2014 Diversified Cacher Contest! We had a total of 24 qualifying players, 22 of them eligible for prizes. If you will remember, players received 1 entry for every 100 points scored in the contest. So those 22 eligible players earned a total of 92 entries. Our top entrant, Disney Scout from Maryland, earned 17 entries. Our next step is to assign those entries numbers 1-92 using the random number generator services offered by Those results will be released tomorrow, along with details on the drawing to be held soon. If you want to know what “soon” means, tune in tomorrow evening, Eastern Standard Time. 🙂 Should anyone dispute their scores as listed below, you have until 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, September 14th to do so by contacting us at octeam at But we don’t anticipate hearing from anyone, every single player, save one, ended up with as many or more points as they claimed on the entry form. Only one player ended up with 25 less points, probably for claiming 25 points in one of the “beat the admin” challenges, and it did not affect their number of entries. Here are the results:

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HikerJamz After-Cache: Episode 12

[spreaker type=standard width=500px autoplay=false episode_id=4937132]

Hikerjamz After-Cache is an internet radio show on We discuss geocaching stories that you, the listener, send in about your favorite geocaching adventure of the week. Listen in to find out how you can contact us with your favorite stories and finds with your Host: James (Hikerjamz) From Ohio, USA. Here is the link to send a voice message: sponsored by

After 10+ years, an FTF on a lonely Virtual Cache

1024px-BoldtCastle_aerialRecently, FTF was claimed on a cache in France that sat for over 12 years before being found. However, the finder of that cache declined to be interviewed by this blog, as he is a Groundspeak volunteer reviewer elsewhere in Europe. We  did not know they were a reviewer before contacting them, and can totally understand that. Since we are the blog for an alternative or indie Geocaching website, we can tell you that in our world (, to be exact), FTF was recently claimed on a virtual cache created on August 10th 2004. The cache is on the somewhat famous Island in the foreground. Do you know where that is?
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HikerJamz After-Cache: Episode 11

[spreaker type=standard width=500px autoplay=false episode_id=4912200]

OCNA Blog Note: Listen in as HikerJamz’s old friends K and B (Ken and Billie) discuss their Geocaching Adventures in Seatttle, Washington from the week prior (Block Party).

Hikerjamz After-Cache is an internet radio show on We discuss geocaching stories that you, the listener, send in about your favorite geocaching adventure of the week. Listen in to find out how you can contact us with your favorite stories and finds with your Host: James (Hikerjamz) From Ohio, USA. Here is the link to send a voice message: