We held the drawing (expertly done by DudleyGrunt here) for the winner of a Featherweight vest by SCOTTeVEST on Monday, August 15th, shortly after 8:00 PM Eastern time, and sent the email informing the winner they had 48 hours to claim the prize at exactly 9:00 PM. In less than 2 hours, we heard back from the lucky winner, who is Jesenia, a member of the caching team minions J&D, from Naguabo, Puerto Rico. And lucky she was, she was the 2nd to last person to enter, on the very last day of the entry period! Congratulations to her. It turns out that single every entrant in the contest is a winner too, though. SCOTTeVEST has decided to reward everyone with a 20% off coupon code! We had said in the rules section of the contest that we would never share your email address, so we will go ahead and send out this coupon code ourselves. Look for an email to the address you used for the contest from opencachingnorthamerica at gmail.com. The subject will be SCOTTeVEST 20% off coupon code. We thank all the participants and readers (there were over 4 times as many readers as people who entered the drawing during the entry period), and once again offer our congratulations to Jesenia, whom we have a funny feeling we’ll be hearing from in the future . We are also eternally grateful to SCOTTeVEST for allowing us to be a part of this promotion!