CHILEHEAD, I know what your getting at but the flurry of blog posts and forum discussion that ensued after the Garmin announcement is proof to me anyway that many geocachers were already aware that Garmin had a geocaching website. The overwhelming opinion seems to be one of satisfaction that the website was shut down. As a user of the opencaching network of sites, I’m glad to see the site shut down as it did nothing but cause confusion and that was simply due to the name they chose to use. Otherwise, I’m pretty indifferent and don’t get why most cachers are not indifferent as well.
The big shocker to everybody is not that Garmin closed their geocaching website. The shocker will be that Garmin had a geocaching website.
CHILEHEAD, I know what your getting at but the flurry of blog posts and forum discussion that ensued after the Garmin announcement is proof to me anyway that many geocachers were already aware that Garmin had a geocaching website. The overwhelming opinion seems to be one of satisfaction that the website was shut down. As a user of the opencaching network of sites, I’m glad to see the site shut down as it did nothing but cause confusion and that was simply due to the name they chose to use. Otherwise, I’m pretty indifferent and don’t get why most cachers are not indifferent as well.