We’re in between interviews here at the OCNA blog, so how about a quick little post to celebrate ourselves? On Wednesday, March 11th, we reached 1,000 followers on Twitter. Yes, we do follow Geocachers, hoping to get followed back (taking a cue from our friends at GeoFleaz.com, who have almost 1,600 followers at press time). And of course we always follow new followers back, unless it’s an obvious spam account.
What will you see on our Twitter feed? Auto tweets about our blog posts, as well as all new cache notifications on our site, also auto tweeted from an RSS feed. We also check the RSS feed for “Geocaching in the news” pretty closely, and like to tweet interesting articles on the hobby (this does not include the often boring “this is what Geocaching is” stories that so many media outlets like to do) . Finally, we like to tweet interesting facts and statistics from our website, although we like to take months long breaks from doing that, so as not to bore anyone. We just started a fresh batch of stat tweets today. According to WeFollow.com, We have a “prominence score” of 71 (out of 100) for being influential people in Geocaching on Twitter; the most influential people being Sonny and Sandy from Podcacher.
And speaking of RSS feeds, you can also follow @OCNA_Logs, which is a self proclaimed “bot that tweets notification of, and links to, the latest Geocache logs (of all types) posted to the OpenCaching North America website”. That account, which is about a year old, only has 9 followers! Consider throwing us a bone and following that too! Sorry, the bot will not follow you back. 🙂