Many of you may remember the OCNA Blogger, Mr.Yuck, did a “WashKnight Interrogations” blog post last month. He answered 20 standard questions about his caching antics, thought up by Geocaching blogger WashKnight, as did many other Geocaching bloggers all over the world. We linked to WashKnight’s Geocaching Blog, and some of you might have clicked the link and checked it out. But did you notice the title of the blog? WashKnight – Geocaching Blind? WashKnight, AKA Paul Weston, is a legally blind Geocacher. Above you see him climbing a tree while Geocaching. He says “Yes, that is me climbing the tree. Being blind doesn’t mean you can’t do dumb stuff like everyone else.” We thought it was very interesting and inspirational that Paul is a blind Geocacher and blogs about it as well! We asked him if he wouldn’t mind being interviewed about it, and he was happy to take the time to answer our questions.