Not for real, of course. Zombie Apocalypse Geocaching is an expansion pack for the Cache Me If You Can Geocaching board game!, made by our old friends from DPH Games. There is a current Kickstarter campaign, which ends on Tuesday, February 3rd at 11:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, to help finance the release of the 2nd edition of this expansion pack, as well as to offer supporters special promotional items that do not come with the base expansion pack. There are only 11 days left in the campaign as of the date of this post. DPH Games has had great success with their previous Kickstarter campaigns, so we’re hoping any Geocachers seeing this post can help put them over the top on this one.

This is the 3rd Kickstarter campaign DPH Games, Inc. has embarked on, following on the heels of the highly successful PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE: Strategic Card Game (ended May 31, 2014, 130% funded) and Superhero Geocaching (ended October 21, 2014, 171% funded) campaigns. We at the OCNA blog had an email chat with Dan Hundycz, President of DPH Games, regarding the Zombie Apocalypse Geocaching campaign, in which he’s trying to raise $1,000. When asked “why Kickstarter”, Dan replied “There are a large number of gamers that follow kickstarter. We put the Superhero up on the site with the thinking that there may be some geocaching gamers that are unaware of Cache Me If You Can! It seemed to be a good way of promoting it. It was a VERY last minute idea, so we set a low goal and tried to spread the word quickly. We were happy to exceed the goal. Psychological Warfare (Psychology themed card game) was a much more intense Kickstarter effort, we used much of what we learned from that campaign to post these two expansion packs.”
As Dan mentioned, the Kickstarter campaign for his non Geocaching related Psychological Warfare card game was much more “intense”, as opposed to the two campaigns for The Cache Me If You Can! board game expansion packs, which had/have goals of only $500 and $1,000 respectively. We at the blog wondered if the Zombie Apocalypse expansion pack would still be released as planned if the goal wasn’t met; he replied “If it’s not funded, we will still produce the Zombie pack. The advantage for the consumers is they get some bonus cards and a better price for pledging through Kickstarter. If it is not funded, we will reach out to those that pledged and will likely honor their pledge if they are still interested. Our preference would be to have it funded :)”.

We noticed that the Superhero Geocaching expansion packs were shipped out very quickly after the conclusion of it’s Kickstarter campaign; Dan noted “We were able to mail the Superhero Expansion packs out three days after the conclusion of the campaign. It won’t likely be THAT fast this time. We met our goal quickly on that effort, so we ordered copies of the expansion pack quickly. The Zombie packs are on order and should be arriving in the next couple of weeks. We will wait to see where we are before ordering the bonus cards (which come from an On Demand Printer that is based in Vestal NY… just a few miles away from us).”
By the way, were you wondering what makes the 2nd edition of the Zombie Apocalypse expansion pack different from the 1st edition? Dan explains,
“The second edition of the Zombie Expansion pack is very close to the first edition with these changes:
- The components are significantly heavier to match the second edition of Cache Me If You Can!
- We added a couple of event cards and removed the Zombie Hunter from the base package.
- We modified the wording of the rules in a few places.”
Also, note the changes in the 2nd edition versus the 1st edition of the Cache Me If You Can! board game are outlined on this page on the DPH Games website.
Dan’s final thoughts, and a “you heard it here first” announcement.
“I’ll be at Running GAGG (Gaming Convention at SUNY Geneseo) January 30th-Feb 1st most of the day if you or any of your readers would like to try it out. Note: This is at a College about 30 miles South of Rochester, N.Y.
All of the expansion packs are designed to be combined, so you can play Zombie Apocalypse Superhero Geocaching if you want… it’s a bit crazy. We have just started work on a Cachethulhu Expansion (Based on Lovecraft’s Cthulhu stories) <You’ve heard it here first from Open Caching!> they too will combine with any and all of the other expansions.”
Awesome, Zombie Apocalypse Superhero Cachethulhu Geocaching! Please consider becoming a backer, and help keep Dan and DPH Games undefeated in Kickstarter campaigns! 🙂